Our Reviews
I have had the pleasure to work with many people, each of them wanting to achieve something different with pilates. Here is what a few of them had to say about their experience.
“Pilates isn’t just for girls!. Two years ago I couldn’t sit at a desk for more than 30 minutes without pain!. Classical pilates has made a huge difference for me and I’m now more flexible than I have been in my 26 yrs in the Royal Marines and Royal Navy. I wish Jo had been one of my basic training instructors; I wouldn’t have had so much pain over the years if she had been! Thanks Jo!”
“From a male perspective, pilates can be a daunting prospect to say the least! Jo instantly breaks this perception by creating a fun and enjoyable environment in which serious targets can be achieved.”
“I came to Jo as a tennis player, runner and mother of four. I have been awestruck by the impact that Pilates has had on the way I feel and move. The brilliant thing that makes Jo special is that, whether in a private or semi-private class, she succeeds in giving you a fantastic workout. I leave feeling exhilarated, lengthened, strong and stable - just fantastic! I cannot recommend her sessions enough. The only problem is that working out with Jo is totally addictive and I always leave wanting more.”
“Having let my fitness regime go for five or so years, the past year of weekly sessions with Jo have allowed me to recover core strength to a degree I wouldn’t have thought possible. My stamina has increased, along with muscle strength in all my limbs. My general coordination is much improved. Jo is a confident and inspirational trainer. She’s very good about paying attention to the specific needs of each individual and also modifies movements for those with injuries. My sessions with Jo are now a permanent feature in my life”
“I first started doing Pilates because of a lower back problem and have been amazed by the results, not only am I more supple, my friends have commented that I look taller! My sessions with Jo are always positive; each class is tuned into what my body needs and after I feel stretched, strong and filled with new energy. Jo’s enthusiasm and knowledge has meant that Pilates is a joy to do.”
“Jo makes you work hard with lots of humour and the equipment she uses helps you achieve and really feel your progression. Fantastic.
“What’s not to love about JM Pilates?
Jo’s skills and expertise as a motivational teacher are mirrored by a fabulously equipped studio. There is a great sense of fun and warmth in classes whilst still being guided through ‘the hundreds’ and ‘the series of five’. You will emerge feeling stretched, strengthened and hopefully feeling 10 feet taller”